Summary of Questions
Summary of Questions
General Knowlege Questions
What is reconciliation and how do I adjust the window?
How often should I clean my filters?
How does partial valve position work? What does auto do?
How does holdback work?
Why am I only seeing 100 records?
Why can’t I connect to my Mixmate?
What’s my Mixmate wifi password?
How do I sync my data/changes to/from the cloud?
How do I update the firmware on my modules?
Why does my Mixmate not show up in the Updater App?
Why can’t I log in?
How do I delete my account?
Do you share my data?
Data Entry Questions
Can I add my own custom rates?
Is there way to make single product work order in the app?
How can I change my units of measurement from standard/imperial to metric and vice versa?
Can I change the mix order of my products?
Where do I assign products to inputs?
How do I enter a general Prescription? What is a persistent Work Order and when should I use it? Can I make it a default?
I want to run the same mix over and over across many locations, how should I set up my Work Order?
What happens when you assign a Mixmate to a Work Order?
I want to record weather conditions with every mix, how do I accomplish this?
How do report tags work? When/where/why to add them to the work order vs selecting them at the end of each mix?
What is the “destination” in a Work Order?
How do I change the units of measure for products in a blend?
What are Conditional Rates? How do I create them?
Mix Questions
How do I get started? (Basic steps for starting your first mix)
How do we achieve essentially a 50% water in the tank by starting many items at the same time?
If a hand-pour is first in the Product List, will the other products hold back until the handpour is complete?
Why did my product stop short/long of the target?
Why is my continuous flow button not active?
My 2.5 gallon jug doesn’t measure 2.5 gallons, how do I fix this?
Why did my jug rinse activate on its own?
Why does my tote have more/less in it than I expected?
Why is my inductor not draining?
Why am I seeing chemicals in my inductor rinse?
Why am I getting a No Flow Error?
Hose size recommendations (1”, 1 1/2”, etc…)?
Why do dry products appear less stable on the scale readout than liquid products?
I keep seeing a 203 error code when using the Inductor. What can I do about this?
Power Questions
Why can’t I get the light to stop blinking?
How can I address ground loop issues?
Why does my tablet keep getting disconnected from my Mixmate?
Why is my e-stop button no longer responding?
What should my voltage be for a good battery?
What is a dead battery?
Where do you measure the voltage?
At what voltage does the Mixmate shut down?
What size battery should I run?
Why can’t I run a deep cycle battery?
I get random error messages or random unexpected behavior, what is the cause?
Manual Mode Questions
Why do we set the level of the water in the inductor so that we don’t pull air when it drains?
How to get to manual mode?
How do I partially open a valve in Manual Mode?
Is there a standardized clean-out procedure?
Why is my gear meter not counting?
Why is the scale on my inductor not reading anything?
What should I do if a valve is stuck/not responding?
Mixmate Configuration Questions
How do I add valves, flowmeters, etc.. to my configuration?
What is Scale Reaction Speed?
How do I adjust a flowmeter calibration?
How do I adjust the inductor calibration?