Is there a way to make single product work order in the app?

Is there a way to make single product work order in the app?

There are 2 different ways to make single product work orders. This is typically used when wanting to do loads of fertilizer, etc.

Method 1 (Use Totals) :

Data Tab -> Work Orders -> Blue "+" in bottom right corner -> Enter Work Order Number (e.g., "UAN 32") -> Use Totals -> Add Product Amount ->  Select "32-0-0" for the Product -> Enter the amount (e.g., "1200") -> Select Amount Unit of Measure ("Gallons") -> Save in upper right corner -> Save in upper right corner again

The mix size can be adjusted at the time you want to load even though you entered 1200 gallons in the work order so if you only need 800 gallons you can still use the same work order just enter the desired gallons when mixing.

Method 2 (Use Rates) :

Data Tab -> Work Orders -> Blue "+" in bottom right corner -> Enter Work Order Number (e.g., "UAN 32") -> Use Rates -> Work Order Size (e.g., "1200") -> Unit of Measure ("Acres") -> Add Product Amount -> Select "32-0-0" for the Product -> Product Rate ("1.0") -> Rate ("Gallons/Acre") -> Save in upper right corner -> Save in upper right corner again

The mix size can be adjusted at the time you want to load even though you entered 1200 gallons or acres (since the rate is 1 gallon/acre) in the work order so if you only need 800 gallons or acres you can still use the same work order just enter the desired gallons when mixing.