Work Orders are how to set up for Mixing. (Legacy users: Work Orders combines Prescriptions and Jobs into a more consistent user experience)
- ( 1 ) Work Order Number - These are alpha-numeric
- ( 2 ) Menu Options Modal
- The "+" in the bottom right corner creates a new Work Order
Creating/Editing Work Orders

- ( 4 ) Select Mixmate (NOT REQUIRED) - This is only for assigning a work order to a particular Mixmate, not needed if you don't want your Work Orders filtered on the Mix setup page
- ( 5 ) Work Order Number - This is an alpha-numeric entry to identify the work order in selection menus
- ( 6 ) Persist - Used for work orders that are not intending to be completed. For example, if you have a pre-emerge blend that you want to just fill your sprayer and go and where you don't want to keep track of specific information such as farms/fields, making the work order persist and setting the 'Mix Size Type' to 'Work Order Size' and setting the Work Order size to the nominal mix size would be how you want to accomplish that. On the other hand, if you have x amount of area to spray and you want this work order to be completed at the end of that area, then Persist must remain 'OFF'.
- ( 7 ) Report Tags (NOT REQUIRED) - Searchable information attached to this work order for sorting work records later - details ->
- ( 8 ) Mix Type - Mixes can be either Liquid or Dry. This is used to determine the final makeup at the end of the mix for calculation purposes
- ( 9 ) Use Totals or Use Rates toggle - this sets how you want to enter the products added to the Work Order. Do you know just the totals of each product, then use Totals. If you know the application rate of the products, then Use Rates. Rates are items like Fluid Ounces/Acre.
- ( 10 ) Destination (NOT REQUIRED) - Selection of the Destination - details -> Typically this is the tank you are filling. If Mix Size Type is set to Destination Capacity, then the Mix Size defaults to the size of the container defined.
- ( 11 ) Carrier (NOT REQUIRED) - Carrier is the product you want to use to make the blend come out to an even amount. Typically this is water.
- ( 12 ) This is used to edit the order of the Products List. With Edit Order turned on, the list can be rearranged by clicking and dragging the products, with Edit Order turned off, clicking on the Product edits the details of the product.
- ( 13 ) Add Product Amount - This adds a product to the work order
Additional Items for Totals Work Orders with Carrier selected
- Work Order Size/Unit of Measurement - Sets the total size and makes the Carrier Product make up the difference between the product amounts and the total size
Adding Products to Totals Work Orders
- ( 14 ) Product - Select or Create the Product to be added to the Work Order
- ( 15 ) Amount - The value of the total amount of this product to add to the blend
- ( 16 ) valueUOM - The Unit of Measure the Amount represents
Additional Items for Rates Work Orders
- Blend Size Type - Sets how the work order is split into blends
- Blend Size Type Options:
- Destination Capacity - Sets the blend size to the size of the Destination that is selected
- Number of Splits - Divides the work order into the defined number of blends
- User Defined - User sets a specific size of the blend
- Work Order Size - Sets the blend size to match the size of the work order
- Work Order Size/Unit of Measurement - sets the size of the work order
Additional Items for Rates Work Orders with Carrier selected
- Application Rate Value/Rate - This is used to determine how much of the carrier product is needed to fill in on top of the product rates to get to the defined Application Rate.
Adding Products to Rates Work Orders
- ( 17 ) Product - Select or Create the Product to be added to the Work Order
- ( 18 ) Product Rate - The value of the rate this product will be added
- ( 19 ) Rate - The Units that define the value of the Product Rate
- ( 20 ) Add Conditional Rate - This is used if you want to make the rate editable within a range at the time of blending
Additional Items with Conditional Rates
- ( 21 ) Condition - Select or Create the condition for the Product in THIS work order to reference
- ( 22 ) Default Condition Value - This is the value that will populate when the work order is selected to blend
- ( 23 ) Condition Values - Sets values for the rates to reference. The rates will be capped with the associated lowest and highest condition values.
- ( 24 ) Product Rates - Sets the rate for the entered condition value. The rate will interpolate between defined points if the entered condition value at blend time is not defined in this table.