How do we achieve essentially a 50% water in the tank by starting many items at the same time?
Mixmate operates differently than the way it used to be done. First lets recap what the traditional way of mixing looks like before we dive into how the Mixmate essentially achieves this same process. The traditional way states that you need to fill your tank approximately half full, then add your products to the tank as it agitates the solution. Then once all of your products are added into the tank solution, finish filling the tank with the carrier.
Mixmate essentially acheives this same process by looking at flowrates through the hose on the way to the tank. Typically 50-70% of the volume of liquid flowing to the tank is carrier and the products are getting injected into this stream and immediately diluted. Products also rarely come into contact with each other in without being diluted in the main carrier. This resolves many compatibility issues that are seen with some mixes.