I get random error messages or random unexpected behavior, what is the cause?

I get random error messages or random unexpected behavior, what is the cause?

More often than not, oddities with Mixmate happen because voltage is on the fringes of not working. A more spread out system will see more issues than a compact system when voltage gets lower. This is because of voltage drop along wires. For instance you may have 12.5 volts at the battery and by the time you get 40 feet away, that voltage may be as low as 11.0 volts or below just because of the loss of traveling down the wire and this is prior to trying to operate anything. This is why sometimes you may see errors from components that are further away from the battery on the tablet when the voltage is getting low. Also, the more items that run at the same time, the lower the voltage will drop down the wires because the speed of the amps travel based on the voltage. The higher the voltage, the easier the power flows.