Can I change the mix order of my products?
Currently, the way the system functions is to introduce products into the mix in the order they are listed in the Work Order.
Here is a video of how to change the mix order inside the Work Order. Data -> Work Orders -> Open the Work Order that you would like to edit -> Edit Mix Order just above the list of products in the Work Order -> Long press the product you would like to move on the = button at the right side of the product line -> drag the product to the desired position in the list -> Press done -> Press Save
However, if there are hand added products as well as bulk products in a Work Order, some of these will get added simultaneously.
Let's consider the following example: Work Order A
Input 1: Product 1
Input 2: Product 2
Inductor: Product 3
Inductor: Product 4
Input 3: Product 5
Carrier: Water
When this blend begins, you will have Water, Product 1, and Product 3 all being introduced at the same time. Depending on the speed and skill of the operator (as well as volume of product), it is likely that the actual order of products could vary quite a bit.