Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to Mixmate

The Mixmate system is a revolutionary software-driven, automated chemical mixing system of valves, meters, and our proprietary modules. Our unique approach to record keeping makes accounting and inventory management and reconciliation easier than ever. Be sure to read this entire document (and re-read each year!) to ensure your Mixmate is running smoothly for years to come. Thanks again for trusting us to be part of your operations!

We have incorporated the use of QR codes in this document. To access the information, tutorials, and content associated with each QR code, open the camera app/tool on your smartphone and focus the QR code box. This is how you access the link within the QR code.

Account Introduction

Welcome Email to Mixmate is generated by your dealer and make sure that you have received this. The welcome email contains the link to set up your account with Mixmate.
  1. How to login
    1. Open a browser -> -> Enter Email and Password -> Login
  2. How to add users
    1. Admin Manager -> New User -> Fill out all entries -> Register
  3. Password resets
    1. Open a browser -> -> “Forgot Password” -> Enter email address -> Send -> Follow instructions in email

Installing Mixmate

Plumbing - NOTICE: For top performance, Mixmate systems run suction-side of main pump. 

  1. Carrier plumbing (BLUE in Figure A.)
    1. At a very basic level, the carrier should be plumbed in the following order:
      1. Water tank -> Carrier flowmeter -> Tee for rinse -> Carrier valve -> (then on to the rest of the Mixmate system)
  2. Products/Chemicals (GREEN in Figure A.)
    1. A 1.25 inch hose is recommended for product lines between totes and input valves. This size allows good flowrates while also keeping the amount of product held in the hose at a low volume.
  3. Rinse Plumbing (RED in Figure A.)
    1. As shown in Figure A. above, the rinse line tees off between the main carrier meter and the carrier valve. The pressurized side of the rinse pump goes directly into the Mixmate inductor. The non-pressurized side supplies the stack manifold.


  1. You must run a group 31 battery with a minimum of 960 CCA and either a battery maintainer with a minimum of 2 amps or connect to a vehicle charging system.
  2. 8 gauge wire at a maximum of 60 inches of length
  3. Proper grounding
    1. Always ground Mixmate system back to battery ground
    2. Each power wire should have a parallel ground wire back to the source whether it is a pump or charging source
  4. What should voltage be?
    1. Check voltage with charger disconnected. Test at the Mixmate and at the battery.
    2. A Fully Charged battery is 12.7 volts. A Dead Battery is 11.7 volts and below.
  5. How do I charge a battery?
    1. Maintenance voltage of a standard battery is 12.7 to 13.8 volts. This voltage range doesn't add to the capacity of the battery, it just maintains the current capacity.
    2. The charging voltage is 13.8-14.5 volts. WARNING: overcharging can damage batteries just like letting them go dead!
    3. If you depend on your truck to charge your battery, make sure that the voltage is ABOVE 13.8 volts when the truck is running, otherwise you will end up with dead batteries.


Each Mixmate system must have two (2) CAN bus terminators (PINK in Figure A.) for the system to operate properly. These terminators are included in your system when purchased. The placement of these terminators is equally important; each one should be placed at ‘opposite’ ends of the CANbus line. For example, if the system is laid out in a line (right to left), Carrier (with terminator at/around valve) -> Mixmate system/inductor (w/ terminator on opposite side of carrier wiring) OR if there is a stack stand, flow single, etc. beyond the inductor, terminator should go there.

Praxidyn List of Approved Tablets 

These are devices Mixmate is tested with. We cannot guarantee functionality on any other devices.
  1. 10” screen - Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 Pro - SM-T630 or SM-T638U with Cellular
  2. 8” screen - Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 5 - SM-X300 or SM-X308U with Cellular

Installing the Mixmate app

Found in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
    ** Please note: the Machine Updater App is only available on the Google Play Store **
  1. Mixmate App:
    1. Google Play Store:
    2. Apple App Store:
  2. Machine Updater App (Android ONLY):
    1. Google Play Store: 
  3. How to verify app versions/build numbers
    1. For Mixmate app:
      1. Open app -> Tap on Admin tab -> app version is displayed at bottom of screen
  1. For Machine Updater app:
    1. Open app -> app version is displayed in version list
  2. How to check for updates
    1. Go to links above (“Mixmate App”, “Machine Updater App (Android ONLY)”) and either Uninstall and Reinstall the app, or make sure it says “Open” instead of “Update” in the App Store, Google Play Store

Verify Machine is Up to Date

Startup Mixmate -> Open Machine Updater App -> “Search for Nearby Mixmates” -> Select Mixmate From List -> App will process through the modules (allow up to 5 minutes per module) -> Modal with “Updates are Complete” will show -> Reboot machine and close app -> Repeat Process until finish modal states “All modules up to date”

Operating Mixmate App

  1. Bottom Navigation
    1. Mix Tab - This is where you run work orders through the Mixmate
    2. Data Tab - This is where you enter all the data for Mixmate
    3. Admin Tab - This is where you Sign In/Out and adjust Global Settings for the Group. Also, you will find the currently running App Version here.
  2. Entering Data (all accessed through the Data Tab of the bottom navigation):
  3. Each Category has a Blue + button in the lower right corner to create something new, otherwise click on the line item you would like to edit.
  1. Product: Required Fields are marked with *.
    1. Name - This is product name that you will see in menus
    2. Form - This is product form, in either liquid or dry
    3. Density - Dry products are uneditable, make sure to set this to the product density
    4. Container Size - We recommend putting in the container size if you were to get that product as a hand add item
  2. Work order: Required Fields are marked with *.
    1. Work Order Number - This is any alpha-numeric combination that shows in selection menus
    2. Persist - Changes the Work Order from a countdown to completion to something you want to keep forever
    3. Report Tags - Tags you can filter Mixes by later in Work Records. These can also be added at the end of every Mix.
    4. Mix Type - Liquid or Dry - This is the final form of the mix
    5. Use Totals vs Use Rates
  1. Use Totals - You enter the total of each product that you want in the mix.
  2. Changing the mix size on the mix tab uses the totals as a ratio to reach the desired mix size.
  3. Use Rates - You enter the amount per area that you want for each product in the mix
  1. Mix Size Type
  1. Destination Capacity - Sets the mix size to the selected destination capacity. I.E. sprayer tank, truck tank, etc.
  2. Number of Splits - Divides the total work order size by the number of splits entered to calculate even mix sizes
  3. User Defined - User sets the mix size independent of the work order size
  4. Work Order Size - sets the mix size to match the work order size
  1. Destination - The container where the Mix is being delivered
  2. Carrier - The filler product that adjusts to meet the Mix size and application rate specified by the user
  3. Work Order Size/Unit of Measure - This is the total size of the work to be done. In the case where persist is on, the work order size should be the same as mix size.
  4. Application Rate Value/Rate - The desired application rate of the Mix
  5. Products - The Mixmate will mix as close to order from top to bottom of this list as possible pending the configuration of the Mixmate equipment.
  6. Report Tags - User created tags to be used with Work Orders and when saving Mixes that can be used as filter parameters when outputting data through
Work Records
  1. Work records.
    1. Filter By
      1. Work Order - see records of a specific work order
      2. Destination - see records delivered to a specific destination
      3. Mixmate - see records associated with a specific Mixmate
    2. Report Tags - further filter records with selected Report Tags
    3. Date Range - further filter records to a specific date range
    4. Results - number of records found with filters. Limited to 100 records
    5. Generate Report 
  1. Name of the Report
  2. Cover Page - Shows filters and Count
  3. Overview Page - Shows included Work Order and Product totals
  4. Mix pages - detailed information about each recorded mix
  5. ON WEB ONLY - ability to download as csv

Manual Mode

  1. What is manual mode? Manual mode is used to Prime/Winterize/Clean out/Manual Operation of the Mixmate
  2. To get to Manual Mode -> Open Mixmate App -> Data Tab -> Mixmates -> Sliders Icon at right side of Mixmate line
  1. Set drain weight of scales in Manual Mode
    1. Set the level of liquid in the inductor so there is about a 6” circle of water at the bottom of the inductor -> click “Drain Weight” -> wait for it to say “Steady” -> press “Save”
  2. Enable Auto Carrier/Carrier Pump Profiling in Manual Mode
    1. We recommend running the Carrier Pump Profile whether you use Auto or not because it will make sure that your Mixmate will fully utilize the capabilities of the pump.
    2. To Profile your carrier pump (For a 3” system, this takes about 1000 gallons to flow through) -> Turn on the main carrier flowmeter reading -> Open the Main carrier valve -> Start your pump ( Set it to mixing speed RPM ) -> press “Profile Pump” and let the Mixmate analyze the pump to determine usable parameters

Holdback/Carrier Settings found in Mixmate Setup on System Tab

  1. What’s holdback? Holdback is the amount of Carrier that you would like to save at the end of a Mix to get everything rinsed out to the destination to where the Mix is being delivered. 
  3. Carrier valve position
  1. Auto off - sets the Carrier Valve Opening % to the user setting while other products are running
  1. Auto on - starts the Carrier Valve Opening at the % the user selects and then allows the Mixmate to adjust the opening based on the speed in which all the other products are flowing to optimize the speed of the system.

Running a mix from start to finish:

  1. Mix Tab - Opens Mix Setup Page
  1. Select Mixmate - Selection of the Mixmate to run the Mix
  1. Select Work Order - Selection of a previously created Work Order
  2. Mix Size/Unit of Measure - The target size of the Mix regardless of how much room is in the destination
  3. Application Rate/Rate - Shows if Work Order has Application Rate - target application rate of mix
  4. Destination - Shows if Work Order has Destination - intended destination of mix
  5. Blue NEXT button in Bottom Right corner to go to Mix Preview
  1. Mix Preview
    1. Edit Mix conditions - Shows if condition is set to Always Record, or Work Order uses the condition to adjust products
    2. Shows each product going into Mix along with target amount and amount remaining
    3. ASSIGN PRODUCTS TO MIXMATE INPUTS HERE - do this by clicking on the product to open the Input Selection modal and select which input the product will be using and then closing the modal
    4. Blue NEXT button in Bottom Right corner starts the Mix
  2. Mix Page 
    1. If there is a carrier, that will always be at the top of the list
    2. User Controlling (where the user controls the starting and stopping of flow of the product) items will rearrange in the list depending on what ones are active. Active products will arrange to be located under the carrier product if there is one, otherwise they will be at the top of the list
      1. Continuous Flow - Turns on the tank rinse valve and uses the drain valve to maintain a level of fluid in the inductor. This allows large volumes of dry product to be put into solution one container at a time.
        1. Increment by container size - increments the added amount by the container size of the product
        2. Decrement by container size - decrements the added amount by the container size of the product, but will not go less than 0
      2. Drain Inductor - This saves the current amount of product added to the mix and drains the inductor to be able to add more product picking up where you left off
      3. Finish Step - Tell the Mixmate that you are done with this product and move on.
    3. Automatic products - shows the current status of the product.
    4. Operator Start products - this option is selected when building the work order and will wait to start the product until the operator makes the selection and the measurement device (inductor or flowmeter) is not being used by another product.
    5. When all the products are complete a “Save and Finish” mix dialog will appear.
      1. Notes about the mix can be entered here
      2. Additional Report tags can be selected at this point for filtering records later.

Additional Questions?

  1. Go to first - Knowledge Base - This should contain most, if not all, answers about Mixmate you might need.
  1. Contact Dealer second, they are knowledgeable in many aspects of Mixmate and Praxidyn is here to support our dealers. Your dealer will be made aware of all communications.
  2. Praxidyn Support can be reached M-F 8am-5pm CST. Email: Phone: 712-587-9723

Preseason checklist 

  1. Connect Battery Cables and battery charging cables
  2. Open Play Store App and search “Mixmate”
    1. Install or Update both Mixmate Apps
      1. Mixmate
      2. Mixmate Machine Updater
  3. Update your Mixmate Equipment
    1. Startup Mixmate -> Open Machine Updater App -> “Search for Nearby Mixmates” -> Select Mixmate From List -> Let process -> Reboot machine and close app when completed -> Repeat Process for verification
  4. Prime System in Manual Mode
    1. To get to Manual Mode -> Open Mixmate App -> Data Tab -> Mixmates -> Sliders Icon at right side of Mixmate line
    2. Open valves and high points in system and make sure to fill pumps with liquids
    3. Fill all lines with liquid to get to consistent starting state
  5. Prepare Products and Work Orders
  6. Mix Tab -> Run mixes

Postseason/winterization checklist

  1. Winterizing
    1. Open Low Points (decouple, unclamp joints, etc.)
    2. To get to Manual Mode -> Open Mixmate App -> Data Tab -> Mixmates -> Sliders Icon at right side of Mixmate line
    3. Open valves multiple times to make sure they are drained and end with the valves closed to allow for what liquid is left to expand when freezing
    4. Use compressed air through manifold stacks (opening/closing valves), RV antifreeze can also be pushed through everything.
    5. Please take the time to view our support site for a comprehensive winterization guide 
  2. Disconnect Power
  3. Download/save records by syncing your tablet to the cloud and going to to use your computer to print or download records