Winterizing your Mixmate

Winterizing your Mixmate

Winterizing the Mixmate follows the same simple rules as winterizing anything else with plumbing:
1. Open all the low points and let everything drain to those places.
2. Cycle valves multiple times to make sure everything is out of them. Ball Valves are best left in the closed position because this will leave the most room for expansion of the small amount of liquid that doesn't come out during draining and cycling.
3. Either force air or RV antifreeze through components to make sure there is no water left.

Mixmate Specific details:
-The Jug Rinse and Tank Rinse on the inductors are basically a P-trap and needs either air or antifreeze through them.
-Gear Meters can easily hold liquid inside the gears and need air or antifreeze forced through them.