Admin Tab Settings

Admin Tab Settings

Bottom of Admin tab

  1. ( 1 ) Navigate to the Admin tab on the bottom navigation bar 
  2. ( 2 ) This is where you will find the current App Version and Build Number

Top of Admin tab

  1. ( 3 ) Sign Out of the Mixmate App: this removes all the Mixmate data from your device
  2. ( 4 ) Select a Group: This is displaying the group that the Mixmate App is currently operating as. This is also where you change what group to operate under if you have more than 1 group.
  3. ( 5 ) My Groups: This lists the groups to which you have editing access.

My Groups -> Editing a Group

  1. ( 7 ) Group Information - Company Name, Primary Contact Phone Number, Primary Contact Email
  2. ( 8 ) Create Report after Blend - This will generate a PDF with each blend that is completed. The data is always stored and can be brought back up later in Work Records. This is for if you need a load sheet to send with a truck.
  3. ( 9 ) This toggle automatically hides any Units of Measure or Rates that aren't in the same category (standard or metric) as what is selected below the toggle
  4. ( 10 ) This area defines how the Units of Measure are sorted and what will default units will be used to display items throughout the app
  5. ( 11 ) Reconciliation Percent - This is used when rinsing containers in the inductor, it gives the range around the container size set for the product where if the current amount is within that range, it will change the amount added to the container size when rinsing. For example, if you have poured out 2.47 gallons from a 2.5 gallon container and then rinse the container, the amount added will jump to 2.5 gallons because you are within the reconciliation window.
  6. ( 12 ) Users List - These are all the users that can log in and represent this group