Manual Mode
Is there a standardized clean-out procedure?
The only place that should not be rinsed at the end of every mix should be the product lines between totes and the product valves and singles. Here is the formula to calculate the gallons that a hose holds. Gallons = To clean out a product line ...
How do I partially open a valve in Manual Mode?
First, Open Manual Mode: How do I get to Manual Mode? Second, CAN Bus valves are all able to be set to a partial opening. The way to set a valve to partial opening is by Long Pressing the valve button. This will open a modal with a slider where you ...
What should I do if a valve is stuck/not responding?
If the valve in question is a product valve (directly tied to a bulk tote), getting it closed is likely a high priority. The motor can be removed and, depending on how wide open the valve is, you should be able to see that the valve needs to be ...
Why is the scale on my inductor not reading anything?
This could be happening for a number of reasons, but the first few things to check are the following: 1. Ensure that the Drain Weight has been set (or simply set it again): 2. ...
Why is my gear meter not counting?
The primary reason a gear meter won't count is that the gears are not moving. Once you have ensured that the filter is clean, and all necessary valves are open (main valves, product valves, throttle valves, etc.) to allow flow, it may be necessary to ...
How to get to manual mode?
1. Starting on the Data Tab, select Mixmates from the list of options (as shown below): 2. Tap the icon at the right of the desired Mixmate machine: FOR NTEP ENABLED SYSTEMS: 2. Tap on the three dots adjacent to the desired Mixmate machine: 3. Tap ...
Why do we set the level of the water in the inductor so that we don’t pull air when it drains?
Any time air is introduced into the hose going to your tank, the possibility of foam greatly increases. The level of the inductor can be changed at any time, but typically once you have found a level that works well with your pump, it shouldn't have ...