1. Go to manual mode (Go to Data > Mixmates > Tap on

icon next to the desired Mixmate)
2. Turn on scale reading for inductor
3. Tare the weight so it says ~0
4. Measure in 2.5 gallons of water
5. Write down what Mixmate shows for weight
6. Turn off weight reading.
7. Exit manual mode
8. The weight should be 20.85 (acceptable range 0.1 pounds difference), then calculate the percent error by taking the Mixmate reading divided by 20.85
9. Tap on the desired Mixmate in your Mixmate list and then tap "Proceed"
10. Tap on the Assemblies Tab
11. Tap on the desired Inductor Assembly
12. You will find the calibration midway down the page
13. Take the result of 8 and multiply it by the current calibration factor. (For Example, If Mixmate Showed 19 pounds, then 19/20.85=0.91127, Then take that and multiply it by your current calibration as follows: (25974.07 is used here for the current calibration) 0.91127 x 25974.07 = 23669.42. Round to 2 decimal places)
14. Enter the result of Step 13 back into the calibration factor as your new calibration number
15. Save the Assembly
16. Save the Mixmate
17. You can verify by repeating above steps until weight is in the acceptable range